(WARNING) RADS::API::Impl::Main::Main: Could not determine solution or project runtime environment, execution will continue but all files will be treated as unmanaged in the current folder. ( DEBUG) RADS::API::Impl::RuntimeEnvironment::GenerateFileMap: done building file map ( DEBUG) RADS::API::Impl::RuntimeEnvironment::GenerateFileMap: start building file map (WARNING) RADS::API::Impl::RuntimeEnvironment::RuntimeEnvironment: Did not find keywords "projects" or "solutions" in path ( DEBUG) RADS::API::Impl::Main::Main: Connected to kernel successfully ( DEBUG) RADS::API::Impl::Main::Main: Using Named Pipe to attempt connection ( DEBUG) RADS::API::Impl::Main::Main: User kernel is running, attempting connection. ( DEBUG) RADS::UserKernel::UserCommandThread::ThreadProc: Command Line: ( ERROR) RADS::User::PandoManager::start: StartPMB failed, returned error 6 ( DEBUG) RADS::User::PandoManager::start: launching Pando ( DEBUG) RADS::UserKernel::KernelThread::ThreadProc: () ( USER) RADS::Common::Cider::Create: Running on Windows ( DEBUG) RADS::Common::Cider::Cider: Failed to load TGIsFullscreen, Cider not running

( DEBUG) RADS::UserKernel::KernelThread::KernelThread:

( DEBUG) RADS::Common::HTTPConnection::Disconnect: () ( DEBUG) RADS::UserKernel::Application::SelfUpdate: Up to date. ( DEBUG) RADS::Common::HTTPConnection::GetFile: ("/releases/live/system/rads_user_", "C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/RADS/temp\TMPF751.tmp", RETRY, 0x00000000) ( DEBUG) RADS::Common::HTTPConnection::Connect: ( ) ( DEBUG) RADS::Common::HTTPConnection::HTTPConnection: ( ) ( DEBUG) RADS::UserKernel::Application::SelfUpdate: Executed from root folder with correct name, not an update. ( DEBUG) RADS::Common::LocalFileSystem::CreateDirectoryA: (C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/RADS/temp) ( DEBUG) RADS::Common::LocalFileSystem::CreateDirectoryA: (C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/RADS/solutions)

( DEBUG) RADS::Common::LocalFileSystem::CreateDirectoryA: (C:/Riot Games/League of Legends/RADS/projects)

( DEBUG) RADS::UserKernel::Application::Run: Command line: "updateandrun lol_launcher LoLLauncher.exe" 1.6.0 200+ access account add added address addresses advance advice age agent ahk aim aimbot ammo angles animation anti anti-cheat antiban anticheat aob apex aram aram-boost arduino arguments ark attach auto autofarm ban bans base based battlepass battleye bf3 bgmi bit black blocked bones boost bot broke buffs bullet buttons bypass c++ c++/c# calculate call calling camhedz camo camos capture car castspell cg_fov chams chance change changer chase chat cheaters cheating check checking class clean client client.I have that problem too, heres what mine says